Sunday, September 20, 2009

Challenge - Day 1

I've been trying to get organized today, mostly mentally, since I've been running around like a crazy woman trying to catch up with everything that's been ignored since I was sick and on vacation. But, here are my thoughts to get started:

- list my strengths, weaknesses, money making ideas, things I've already tried, things I want to try, fast ways to make money, slower but more effective ways to make money.
-research all of the above.
-create an effective, efficient, organized workspace at home.
-build an online presence.
-continue to brainstorm throughout the process and re-evaluate where I need to be and what I need to do.

I'm constantly reminded of the Bill Murray movie, "What About Bob?" The "baby steps" message in that movie really hit home for me. I'm sometimes prone to panic attacks due to my stressful day job, my family needs, and a variety of other things, so the baby steps method really appeals to me.

So, this is where I'll begin. Tune in tomorrow.



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